What Happens if I Declare Bankruptcy?
Key Takeaways
- Go over the types of bankruptcy for individuals, including understanding the bankruptcy process and understanding the short-term and long-term impacts
- Learn about life after bankruptcy, such as psychological and emotional impact, and receive expert legal advice
- Cover some potential alternatives to bankruptcy

I. Introduction
The concept of declaring bankruptcy is scary for most people. A big reason for that is because most people don’t know much about it. However, personal bankruptcy is an option available to individuals who are unable to pay their debts.
If your financial situation has become unmanageable, filing for bankruptcy may be an option. Before you make a decision, it’s important to fully understand the bankruptcy process, what it means, the implications of filing, and what alternatives are available. By understanding all these details, you can make the right choice for your situation.
“What happens if I declare bankruptcy?” is a common question. Answering it can help you decide if this is the route you’d like to take.

II. Types of Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can be used to reduce or eliminate most of your debts. It is usually chosen after you have considered or tried all other options of debt repayment. The two most common types of bankruptcy for individuals are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
1. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most common type of bankruptcy for individuals and often the most straightforward. In this process, your assets are essentially sold off and the money from the sale is used to repay your creditors. Once this process is complete, your debts are discharged.
Some assets are exempt from this process. These include:
- A portion of the equity you have in your home.
- Your clothing and personal items.
- Tools needed for employment.
- An automobile.
- Basic household goods.
2. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you are able to retain your assets but must follow a court-approved plan that will see you pay off your debts within three to five years. As long as you make these payments, you can keep your possessions and your debts will be discharged following the completion of the plan.
3. Comparing the Two Types of Bankruptcy
A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is typically the faster and cheaper option. That doesn’t necessarily mean it is the right option for everyone though. By looking at your financial situation and your goals, you can decide which is right for you.
The main difference between the two types is that Chapter 7 may result in you losing some non-exempt assets, depending on what you own. Talking to a bankruptcy attorney can help you understand the situation you are in, how filing for bankruptcy will affect you, and help you make the right decision for your financial circumstances.
Still, the choice between a Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy may not entirely be yours to make. The court may impose a test to determine if you are eligible to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This is called a means test. In this test your average income over the last six months is compared to the median income for a household of your size in your state. If you earn less than this amount, you will be eligible for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
The court may decide that Chapter 13 is your only option if it believes you will have enough disposable income available after subtracting your expenses to start repaying your debts.
III. The Bankruptcy Process
The bankruptcy process is outlined by law. You are required to complete this process exactly. Failing to do so can result in your case being dismissed.
Before you file, you are required to attend a credit counseling session with a credit counseling organization.
1. Filing for Bankruptcy
When you file for bankruptcy, you will be required to supply the court with a list of your debts. This includes secured debts (those that are backed by an asset, such as mortgage or a car loan) and unsecured debts (other debts such as credit card debts, and personal loans). You will also need to submit financial documents showing your income and assets. It is at this point where you will need to submit a means test form which will determine your eligibility to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
2. The Automatic Stay
The moment you file for bankruptcy, you receive protection from your creditors. This prevents them from trying to collect debts until court proceedings are completed. This can be a big relief for those who are struggling with debts, as calls from creditors can be annoying, stressful, and often even harassing.
Creditors are also unable to start or continue court proceedings against you. That means they can’t enforce a lien on your property, attempt to repossess your property, or move to foreclose on your home.
Any creditors or collection agencies that violate this stay can be sued by you, as the debtor.
It’s important to note that some debts are not covered by the automatic stay. This includes child support and alimony payments.
3. Role of the Bankruptcy Trustee
Once you file for bankruptcy, a bankruptcy trustee will be assigned to your case. This person’s job is to ensure that your secured debts are paid. They also oversee the process and ensure compliance with the law.
IV. Short-Term and Long-Term Impacts
There are both short-term and long-term impacts to filing for bankruptcy. It is critical to understand these impacts and think about how you will be affected.
1. Immediate Financial Impact
One of the most immediate impacts you will feel when you file for bankruptcy is that your creditors will stop calling. You will also receive relief from paying unsecured non-priority debts. This includes credit cards, payday loans, and other debts. It does not include student loans. This can be a big relief because you won’t have to struggle to make various payments on time and you’ll be given a chance to start fresh.
Depending on what you own and the type of bankruptcy you file, you could lose some assets. Many necessary assets are exempt from the bankruptcy process, but you could still lose some items you own.
2. Long-Term Credit Implications
While you are given an opportunity to eliminate some of your unsecured debts when you file for bankruptcy, there are long-term implications to doing so. One of the most significant is how bankruptcy negatively affects your credit score.
When you file for bankruptcy, this is noted on your credit report. The note remains for seven years for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy or 10 years for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. You will have serious difficulty obtaining new loans or any type of credit with a bankruptcy listed on your report.
V. Life After Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy doesn’t mean the end of your financial life. While you will have trouble getting new loans once you file for bankruptcy, you’ll also eliminate many of your debts and relieve much of the financial pressure you’ve been living with.
By having a detailed financial plan and focusing on rebuilding your credit, you can have a strong financial future after filing for bankruptcy.
1. Rebuilding Credit
Your ability to get new credit will be considerably hampered by filing for bankruptcy. That doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to get a new loan.
Following good credit practices and remaining financially responsible will allow you to rebuild your credit over time. Paying off any remaining debts and ensuring that you do not miss payments can help you build a good credit history.
2. Future Credit and Loan Opportunities
It will be more difficult to borrow money after you file for bankruptcy. Applying for a secured credit card may be an option. With a secured credit card, you put down a deposit and this deposit serves as your credit limit. You can then use the card like any other credit card. Since you have put down a deposit, there is minimal risk to the lender, so you can likely still get a card even after filing for bankruptcy. By handling this card responsibility and paying all bills on time, you can start to build and improve your credit score.

VI. Expert Legal Advice
Understanding more about the bankruptcy process can help you decide if it is the right option for you. You’ll also comprehend what you need to get through the process and how to rebuild your financial life.
1. Insights from Bankruptcy Attorneys
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, it is generally a good idea to consult a bankruptcy attorney. They can help you understand the legalities of the situation, and explain the possible consequences as well. This can allow you to determine the right course of action.
2. Navigating Legal Complexities
Understanding your rights and obligations during bankruptcy is crucial. If you do not follow the bankruptcy process correctly, your case could potentially be dismissed. This is why working with an attorney and following their advice as well as the advice of the bankruptcy trustee assigned to your case is so vital.
VII. Alternatives to Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy isn’t the only choice available if you are having trouble meeting your financial obligations.
Debt settlement may in fact be a better option for you. This is an agreement between you and your creditors that will see you pay a reduced amount rather than the full total of the debt you owe. Debt settlement is noted on your credit report which can make it difficult to get future loans.
You might also wish to consider debt consolidation. This is where you combine several debts into a single one, with the goal of lowering the amount of interest you pay on the total. You must still repay the entire debt in full, but will save money on interest.
Another option is to negotiate with each creditor individually. If you explain your situation and inform them that you are considering bankruptcy, they may be willing to work out a reduced payment management plan with you.
VIII. The Psychological and Emotional Impact
Filing for bankruptcy can have an emotional impact. You may feel depressed, defeated, or otherwise upset by the process. This is natural. It can be helpful to talk with people you trust or consider counseling to deal with these feelings.
IX. Debunking Bankruptcy Myths
One of the most common myths is that your financial life is over once you file for bankruptcy. This is not true. While your credit score will be negatively impacted when you file for bankruptcy, the bankruptcy process also gives you an opportunity to eliminate many of your debts and a chance to rebuild your financial life.
Another common myth is that bankruptcy is the only option when you are overwhelmed by debt. This is not true. In fact, bankruptcy is often seen as the last resort and usually only considered once other options have failed.
X. Case Studies and Real-Life Experiences
Filing for bankruptcy could make sense for you if you are overwhelmed by debt and cannot meet your financial commitments. This is particularly true if you owe many unsecured debts, such as credit card debt. The bankruptcy process can help you eliminate these debts and give you an opportunity to start fresh.
Once you have filed, you can take steps to put you in a stronger financial position going forward. These include:
Follow good credit practices. Make and stick to a budget. Avoiding taking on more debt that you can handle.
XI. Frequently Asked Questions
The bankruptcy process is quite common, but most people don’t know very much about it. By understanding the process, you can decide if it is right for you.
Should you file for bankruptcy? That depends on your situation. Each person’s financial circumstances are unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all option that is right for everyone. Talking to a bankruptcy attorney and/or other financial experts can help you make the right choice for you.
What happens if you declare bankruptcy? Most of your debts are eliminated and you are given the opportunity to start fresh. Whether you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy will be determined by the specifics of your situation.
Is bankruptcy the only option when struggling with debt? No, bankruptcy is typically considered last after all other options have failed. Before you file for bankruptcy, it’s a good idea to consider all other debt relief options.
XII. Why Credit Repair Is a Better Alternative to Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy isn’t your only option if you are having financial difficulty. You may be able to improve your situation in other ways.
1. Benefits of Credit Repair Over Bankruptcy
Credit repair means working to improve your financial situation on your own rather than filing for bankruptcy. This involves reviewing your debts and your credit report, then taking steps to improve the situation. One of the best ways to improve your credit and your financial situation is to create a budget and commit to always making debt payments on time.
2. Impact on Credit Score
Over time, following good credit practices such as borrowing reasonable amounts and always making payments on time will help improve your financial situation and boost your credit score. However, if you are overwhelmed by debt and cannot work out a plan with each creditor, you may have no choice but to file for bankruptcy.
3. Financial Recovery Timeline
The time it will take to improve your financial situation will depend on your unique circumstances. This is true whether you work to repair your credit on your own or if you file for bankruptcy.
4. Expert Opinions on Credit Repair
If you are falling behind on your debts and unable to make payments on time, it’s important to talk to your creditors as soon as possible. The best option is to contact them before you miss a payment, since even a single late payment can hurt your credit score. If you explain your situation and tell them that you are having difficulty paying your debts, they may be willing to negotiate with you.

XIII. Additional Resources and Support
If you are overwhelmed with debt, there are several places to turn for information and support. For instance, there are credit counseling and debtor education courses available in nearly all states and territories.
XIV. Conclusion
Dealing with debt can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By understanding your options and the pros and cons of each choice, you can make the right decision for your financial future.
Edited by:
Bryan Huynh
Product Tester & Writer