Does Pulling Money from 401(k) Affect Credit?
Key Takeaways
- Explores the financial implications of withdrawing from a 401(k) plan, including the importance of saving for retirement and maintaining a good credit score.
- While withdrawing from a 401(k) does not directly impact one's credit score, as it's not a borrowed debt, there are indirect consequences to consider. Early withdrawals, especially before age 59½, can incur a 10% penalty and tax liabilities, potentially straining one's financial situation. This can indirectly affect credit health, particularly if it leads to reduced savings for retirement, necessitating additional loans or falling behind on debt payments.
- Learn about the option of 401(k) loans, which must be repaid to avoid penalties. Financial experts generally advise against early withdrawals, suggesting alternative solutions like personal loans or refinancing existing debt.

I. Introduction
Saving for retirement is important. When you’re no longer working, you will need to have money saved to afford your expenses. This is especially true today, when fewer and fewer people have company pension plans and must rely on 401(k) savings plans to fund their retirement years.
Your credit score is also important. Having a good credit score helps you get affordable loans to make major purchases such as houses and automobiles. Poor credit limits your financial options.
So, how do the two go together? Does pulling money from a 401(k) affect credit?

II. Understanding 401(k) Withdrawals
A 401(k) plan is a company-sponsored retirement savings plan. If you sign up for a 401(k) through your employer, a percentage of your pay is deposited directly into the account. Many employers match all or part of that contribution. This money is then invested, with the employee typically choosing how it is invested. Your contributions to a traditional 401(k) are pre-tax, so your taxable income for the year is reduced. However, withdrawals are taxed.
If you withdraw the money before the age of 59½, then you will pay a 10% early withdrawal penalty when you file your tax return. In addition, the IRS will withhold 20% of the withdrawal to cover your tax obligations.
However, you may avoid the 10% penalty if you qualify for a hardship distribution or another reason approved by the plan’s administrator.
If you are over the age of 59½, then the money you take out is taxed as regular income.
Since taking money from your 401(k) has tax implications, it is important to consider your entire financial situation and the impact of this decision before you withdraw the money. It could have significant financial repercussions both now and in the future.
III. 401(k) Withdrawals and Credit Scores: The Direct Relationship
In most cases, early withdrawals from a 401(k) are not recommended. Not only does early withdrawal have tax implications, but it also leaves you with less money for retirement.
While it generally isn’t a sound financial decision to withdraw money from a 401(k) early or to take out a 401(k) loan to make ends meet or pay down debt, it does not have a direct impact on your credit score. Since you are not borrowing from a creditor, the situation is not reported to the credit bureaus, and it does not affect your debt-to-income ratio. Your credit score should stay the same after a withdrawal or 401(k) loan, as long as all other factors remain consistent.
However, this does not necessarily mean that it is a good financial move to take money from your 401(k).
IV. Indirect Implications of 401(k) Withdrawals on Credit Health
While a 401(k) withdrawal doesn’t directly affect your credit score, there are indirect implications to consider. These may negatively affect your financial health, which does have credit score implications.
1. Potential Tax Penalties and Their Financial Implications
If you are younger than 59½ years old, you will pay a 10% penalty when you withdraw money from a 401(k). However, you can withdraw funds from your current job's 401(k) plan with no tax penalty if you leave that job in or after the year you turn 55.
It’s important to remember, though, that you didn’t pay tax on this income when you deposited it into the 401(k) account; therefore, when you take it out, it will be taxed as income. The IRS generally and automatically withholds a percentage when you withdraw from a 401(k). This amount is usually 20% of the total. You may have to pay more taxes later, however, if you file your taxes and the amount you took out increases your income to the point where you enter a higher tax bracket.
Having to pay more in tax, especially if you didn’t expect it, may hurt your overall financial situation.
2. Long-Term Financial Consequences
Saving money for your retirement is important because you will still have expenses after you are done working, and those will need to be paid. You may also have plans for retirement, from traveling to spending time with family, and having funds saved will help you turn these plans into reality.
Reducing your retirement savings now may cause trouble making ends meet when you retire. This may result in falling behind on debt payments (which will hurt your credit score) or needing to take on additional loans to afford your expenses. Carrying a large debt load can hurt your credit score.
In addition, when you retire, your income will likely be lower than it was when you were working full-time. This is especially true if you’ve withdrawn money from your 401(k) prior to retirement. If you apply for a loan at this point, the lender will likely ask about your estimated income. It will be harder to get a loan if you are earning less in retirement, especially if you have a poor credit score or you already have other significant debts.
V. Comparing 401(k) Loans and Withdrawals
Withdrawing money from a 401(k) isn’t the only way to access the money in this account before retirement. Another potential option is a 401(k) loan. A 401(k) loan has no withdrawal penalty, and you are able to borrow up to 50% of your vested balance (or $50,000, whichever is less).
You don’t need a credit check to get the loan, but it must be repaid, typically within five years. If you leave your current job, you may have to repay the loan sooner.
If you don’t pay the loan on time, the amount remaining will be treated as a distribution from your plan. This means you will have to pay the 10% penalty if you are under 59½ years old. If you have a traditional 401(k) plan, you will also be taxed on the remaining amount.
VI. Responsible Management of 401(k) Withdrawals
One of the most important things to focus on after a 401(k) withdrawal is to rebuild your retirement savings. If you have taken out a 401(k) loan, you must pay it back in time to avoid penalties and taxes. If you have taken an early withdrawal, you’ll need to recognize you will have less money available for retirement. Therefore, replenishing this amount is important.
Create a budget that has you putting money aside for retirement savings and emergency savings. If you have money saved for emergencies, then you won’t need to take money from your retirement to fund your life today.
VII. Expert Financial Planning Advice
If you are having trouble making ends meet, most financial experts advise against an early 401(k) withdrawal. However, in some circumstances, it may make sense.
1. When to Consider a 401(k) Withdrawal
While it generally isn’t considered a great plan to take money from your retirement and use it for current expenses, there are situations when a 401(k) withdrawal might be considered. However, you’ll need to do the math to see if it makes sense for you.
Think about the financial alternatives. Taking money from your 401(k) to pay off a high-interest debt, for example, may make sense. Imagine a situation in which you’re paying 20% interest on a loan. Borrowing from your 401(k) may cost you 6% per year in investment earnings. The math might be in favor of a withdrawal here.
Keep in mind, though, that an early withdrawal (before retirement age) typically triggers a withdrawal penalty which should be factored into your calculations. There will also likely be an increased tax burden.
There are situations where the IRS permits a penalty-free withdrawal due to certain financial hardships. This includes situations where the withdrawal is necessary to pay for certain medical expenses, costs associated with purchasing a primary home or repairing damage to a primary home, tuition and education fees and expenses, and money necessary to prevent eviction or foreclosure. However, your plan administrator may not permit such hardship withdrawals.
2. Alternative Financial Solutions
If you’re having trouble making ends meet or have been hit with a sudden unexpected cost, a 401(k) withdrawal may not be the only option available to you.
A 401(k) loan may be an option. Other alternatives to 401(k) withdrawal include personal loans, home equity loans, refinancing existing debt (such as your mortgage), or a 0% APR credit card. However, to be approved for any of these other loans, you’ll likely need to have a good credit score.
Managing your budget and avoiding situations where you need to take on more debt or withdraw from your 401(k) to make ends meet is a much preferable situation.
VIII. Rebuilding Retirement Savings Post-Withdrawal
Whenever you pull money from your retirement fund, it’s important to have a plan to replenish these savings. Regardless of the reason you withdraw the money, the reason you’re saving money in a 401(k) is to provide you with post-retirement income.
With a 401(k) loan, you need a plan to repay it, or you will be hit with penalties.
Here are some tips and strategies for rebuilding your retirement fund after a withdrawal to maintain long-term financial health.
Automate your savings: To replenish your retirement savings, your employer may let you put additional money directly from your paycheck into your 401(k) account. Automating this process not only makes it more convenient, but you’ll be taking money from your pay and putting it aside for retirement before you get a chance to spend it. You can also automate loan repayments through your financial institution.
Set a budget: Adjust your budget to rebuild your retirement savings or pay off your loan. Determine how much you want to put into your retirement savings each month, then reduce your spending by that same amount. Track your spending throughout the month and make sure you’re on target.

IX. Monitoring Credit Post-Withdrawal
Your credit score is important. Not only does a poor credit score make it more difficult to get a loan, but your credit may be checked in other situations as well. For instance, there may be a credit check if you wish to rent a home. Some jobs also require credit checks. Therefore, it’s important to be aware of your credit situation.
Whenever you make a financial change in your life, you should monitor your credit report to see how it has been affected. Credit scores don’t change overnight, so it’s a good idea to check your credit report for at least several months following any significant financial decisions, including 401(k) withdrawals.
You can get a copy of your credit report from the credit bureaus, and some financial institutions provide them to their clients. There are also both free and paid credit monitoring services available. Review the options available to you and choose the one that best fits your situation.
X. Real-Life Scenarios and Case Studies
While a 401(k) withdrawal or loan does not directly affect your credit score, you may end up in financial trouble due to taking this money out before retirement. For example, using money from your 401(k) to pay off your credit card debt may save money on interest in the short term; however, you will have less money available when you retire.
A mortgage or other significant debts may make it tough to make ends meet which may then lead to financial trouble and needing another loan. Since your income will likely be lower than it was when you were working, getting a new loan will be tough.
As you can see, an early withdrawal can be harmful to your financial future, even if it seems to make sense in the short term.
XI. Additional Resources
If you are having trouble managing your finances today or if you have not made significant contributions to your retirement savings and are worried about the future, there are financial counseling services that can help you. Before you work with any service, research the organization. If someone asks for significant funds up front or makes promises that seem too good to be true, you should be skeptical.
XII. Conclusion
Although 401(k) withdrawals don’t have a direct impact on credit scores, there are still consequences associated with them. Not only are there tax implications, but you could also be hit with a penalty if you take out the money early. This not only has a financial impact today, but reducing your retirement savings will negatively affect your future also. Look at the big picture and explore all alternatives before pulling money from your 401(k).
Edited by:
Bryan Huynh
Product Tester & Writer